International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

Schwannomas- The problem in delay diagnosis

2017, Volume 3 Issue 1

Schwannomas- The problem in delay diagnosis

Author(s): Dr. Yash Rabari, Dr. D.V. Prasad, Dr. Krunal Thadeshwar, Dr. Dinesh Dhaytadak, Dr. Parminder Singh, Dr. Ajinkya Jadhao
Abstract: Schwannoma is a benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor which arises from Schwann cells which support the peripheral nerve fibers. Malignant transformation is known to be exceptionally rare. The lesion is usually solitary, but multiple tumors in a limb have been reported. Schwannomas most commonly occur in the head and neck involving the brachial plexus and spinal nerves. The lower limbs are affected less often. Schwannomas usually grow slowly and present as a painless swelling over several years without specific symptoms. The diagnosis of a Schwannoma in a lower limb is often delayed for several years because it is frequently misdiagnosed as a benign solitary mass such as a ganglion, fibroma or myxoma.
Pages: 459-462  |  1789 Views  108 Downloads

International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
How to cite this article:
Dr. Yash Rabari, Dr. D.V. Prasad, Dr. Krunal Thadeshwar, Dr. Dinesh Dhaytadak, Dr. Parminder Singh, Dr. Ajinkya Jadhao. Schwannomas- The problem in delay diagnosis. Int J Orthop Sci 2017;3(1):459-462. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2017.v3.i1f.68
International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
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