International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

Subclavian artery thrombosis following plate osteosynthesis of fracture clavicle: A case report with literature review

2019, Volume 5 Issue 4

Subclavian artery thrombosis following plate osteosynthesis of fracture clavicle: A case report with literature review

Author(s): Dr. Prashant Madan Mohan, Dr. Arun Kumar KV, Dr. Victor Moirangthem, Dr. Prem Regis PA and Dr. Ashwini R
Abstract: Thrombosis in the upper limbs is a rare condition. We report on a case of subclavian artery thrombosis that occurred following open reduction and internal fixation of fracture in the middle third of the left clavicle. This is difficult to diagnose and requires a high index of suspicion. Early recognition can prevent fatal thromboembolic complications and disability.
Pages: 267-269  |  972 Views  141 Downloads

International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
How to cite this article:
Dr. Prashant Madan Mohan, Dr. Arun Kumar KV, Dr. Victor Moirangthem, Dr. Prem Regis PA, Dr. Ashwini R. Subclavian artery thrombosis following plate osteosynthesis of fracture clavicle: A case report with literature review. Int J Orthop Sci 2019;5(4):267-269. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2019.v5.i4e.1681
International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
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