International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

Management of adhesive capsulitis by combination of hydrodilatation, intra-articular steroid injection and manipulation under anaesthesia

2019, Volume 5 Issue 2

Management of adhesive capsulitis by combination of hydrodilatation, intra-articular steroid injection and manipulation under anaesthesia

Author(s): Dr. Roshan D and Dr. Hany Hameed
Abstract: Adhesive capsulitis is characterized by gradually progressive pain and stiffness of the shoulder. Different treatment modalities are available for the management of primary adhesive capsulitis. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of using a combination of Hydrodilatation, Intra-articular steroid injection and Manipulation under anaesthesia. The study group comprised of 20 patients with primary adhesive capsulitis with a mean age of 56.15 years. There was significant improvement in pain, range of motion and function in six months follow-up period. No complications were reported in our study.
Pages: 1020-1022  |  997 Views  152 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Roshan D, Dr. Hany Hameed. Management of adhesive capsulitis by combination of hydrodilatation, intra-articular steroid injection and manipulation under anaesthesia. Int J Orthop Sci 2019;5(2):1020-1022. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2019.v5.i2o.1471
International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
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