International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

Ultra sound assisted calculation of rotational malalignment in supracondylar humerus fracture in pediatrics: Comparison with clinical assessment and its reliability

2019, Volume 5 Issue 2

Ultra sound assisted calculation of rotational malalignment in supracondylar humerus fracture in pediatrics: Comparison with clinical assessment and its reliability

Author(s): Mohammed Jalal Mohiuddin, Hassan Rafeeq, Shaik Vazeer Uddin, C Shamsunder and K Mrudula
Abstract: Supra condylar Humerus fracture are the commonest elbow injury in children, constitute 70 – 80 percent. There are three dimensional displacements which include coronal, sagital and rotational planes. Coronal and sagital malalignment can easily calculated by cortical alignments, anterior humeral line, Baumann’s angle, metaphyseo diaphyseal angle. For measuring rotational malalignment we need to rely either clinically or on CT scan (cost and radiation).
Ultrasound assisted method is non invasive, cost effective and reproducible. Present study is the assessment of rotational Malunion of Humerus in Supracondylar fracture based on ultrasound calculations in 10 patients and comparison with their contra lateral normal Humerus.
Pages: 633-635  |  888 Views  92 Downloads

International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
How to cite this article:
Mohammed Jalal Mohiuddin, Hassan Rafeeq, Shaik Vazeer Uddin, C Shamsunder, K Mrudula. Ultra sound assisted calculation of rotational malalignment in supracondylar humerus fracture in pediatrics: Comparison with clinical assessment and its reliability. Int J Orthop Sci 2019;5(2):633-635. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2019.v5.i2i.63
International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
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