International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

Ender’s nailing in intertrochanteric femur fracture

2019, Volume 5 Issue 2

Ender’s nailing in intertrochanteric femur fracture

Author(s): Dr. Nitin S Patil, Dr. Vishal Sharma, Dr. Amit B Garud, Dr. Somil Choudhary and Dr. Sahu Gaurav
Abstract: Intramedullary ender nailing in intertrochanteric fractures was very popular in the past. Although it has advantages like short operative procedure, minimally traumatic, little blood loss, early mobilization, negligible risk of infection and risk of delayed union or non-union is also reduced. However other complications such as irritation at the knee, decreased range of knee motion, distal and proximal migration of nail are still present in some cases. The osteoporosis is considered as a significant factor contributing to complications. External rotation deformity has not been a major problem in the present study and improved by using nails with ante version bend. All intertrochanteric fractures healed within 3 months which represent favorable results in comparison with other method.
Pages: 182-186  |  1674 Views  518 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Nitin S Patil, Dr. Vishal Sharma, Dr. Amit B Garud, Dr. Somil Choudhary, Dr. Sahu Gaurav. Ender’s nailing in intertrochanteric femur fracture. Int J Orthop Sci 2019;5(2):182-186. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2019.v5.i2d.34
International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
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