International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

Proximal humerus non-union: treated with open reduction and internal fixation with PHILOS plate and iliac crest tri-cortical bone graft

2019, Volume 5 Issue 1

Proximal humerus non-union: treated with open reduction and internal fixation with PHILOS plate and iliac crest tri-cortical bone graft

Author(s): Dr. Maulik Jhaveri, Dr. Jay Turakhiya, Dr. Parth Rathi, Dr. Prakhar Jain and Dr. Paresh Golwala
Abstract: Proximal humerus fracture comprise 5 percent of all fractures. Non union of proximal humerus is rare. In this study we have studied the treatment modality and its result in total 10 patients with average injury to surgery duration of 6.9 months. We operated patients with deltopectoral approach and PHILOS plate. We harvested iliac crest tricortical bone graft for bone deficit and reconstruction of lateral wall. The average duration of follow up is 9.6 months. The Constant shoulder score is used for evaluation. We got 50% of Excellent, 30% of Good, 10% of Fair and 10% of Poor result.
Pages: 247-249  |  1015 Views  94 Downloads

International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
How to cite this article:
Dr. Maulik Jhaveri, Dr. Jay Turakhiya, Dr. Parth Rathi, Dr. Prakhar Jain, Dr. Paresh Golwala. Proximal humerus non-union: treated with open reduction and internal fixation with PHILOS plate and iliac crest tri-cortical bone graft. Int J Orthop Sci 2019;5(1):247-249. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2019.v5.i1e.42
International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
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