International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

Posterior cruciate ligament avulsion from the Tibia: Fixation by a posterior approach

2017, Volume 3 Issue 1

Posterior cruciate ligament avulsion from the Tibia: Fixation by a posterior approach

Author(s): Dr. Nitin Patil, Dr. Ravindra B Gunaki, Dr. Jayesh Pawar and Dr. Rutvik Shah
Abstract: The authors present their experience with a posterior approach for fixation of posterior Cruciate ligament avulsion from the tibia. Avulsion usually occurs at the tibial insertion. The approach is easy, safe and demands no great technical prowess or instruments. Some minor modifications and technical tips for a safer exposure and a better fixation are highlighted. This is a reproducible method for achieving good stability in these avulsion fractures, where early intervention prevents significant late disability. A single 4-mm screw gives sufficient initial stabilization to allow supervised mobilization. A high index of suspicion should be maintained in all dashboard injuries presenting with femoral shaft fractures, especially when the patella is also fractured. The patients were objectively (posterior drawer test) and subjectively (Lysholm scale) reevaluated after a minimum follow up period of 12 post operative months.
Pages: 829-835  |  1783 Views  111 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Nitin Patil, Dr. Ravindra B Gunaki, Dr. Jayesh Pawar, Dr. Rutvik Shah. Posterior cruciate ligament avulsion from the Tibia: Fixation by a posterior approach. Int J Orthop Sci 2017;3(1):829-835. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2017.v3.i1l.119
International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
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