Vol. 10, Issue 4 (2024)
Comparative study of DCP versus locking plate in fracture shaft of radius and ulna
Md. Ibrahim Miah, Mohammed Ramzanul Karim Khan, Moyeen Ahmed Ferdous, Md. Alinoor, Md. Motiur Rahaman, Sharif Md. Musa, AKM Latiful Bari, Md. Shafiqul Alam, Jamal Uddin Ahmed, Mohammad Faroque Eastiak, Ahsan Majid, Mahamud Mannan and Mohammad Moshiur Rahman
Background: Malunion and nonunion are more frequent because difficulty in reducing and keeping the reduction of bones in the presence of muscles that exert various deform forces over to the fractured bony fragments. Orthopedic surgeons often encounter diaphyseal radius and ulna fractures. Malunion and nonunion are most frequent complications because difficulty in reducing and keeping up the one reduction.
Objective: To compare the outcome of using dynamic compression plate versus locking compression plate in diaphyseal fractures of upper limb via bridge plating technique.
Methods: This randomized Controlled Trial study was carried out at Department of Orthopedic Surgery, BSMMU, Dhaka, Bangladesh from July to December 2022. After taking ethical approval from board of studies, 100 patients who fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria was enrolled in the study from OPD and emergency. Informed consent was obtained from each patient. The non-probability purposive sampling technique was used in this study to include the patients. Patients were divided into two groups by using lottery method. In a group A, dynamic compression plate (DCP) was applied and its results were compared with group B, locking compression plate (LCP) was applied.
Results: Out of 100 patients 74% patients were males whereas 26% patients were females. The male to female ratio was 2.8:1. The mean age of the patients was 46.55±15.03 years between 18-70 years. After 10 days, no patient in any group showed callus formation after 2 months, 32 in DCP group and 28 in LCP group showed callus formation after 2 months, 38 in DCP group and 42 in LCP group showed callus formation, after 3 months, 39 in DCP group and 44 in LCP group showed callus formation and after 6 months, 40 in DCP group and 46 in LCP group showed callus formation. Statistically there is significant difference was found between the weight, callus formation, alignment and different complications post-operatively with DCP but LCP showed little better results than DCP.
Conclusion: LCP technique is more effective and feasible for the treatment of diaphyseal fractures of upper limb in comparison with DCP technique.
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