Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2023)

Urine for fat globulin levels in long bone fractures


Dr. Vishanth Rai, Dr. Suhruth Prasad TM and Dr. Rathin Shetty

Introduction: With the increasing incidence of trauma worldwide there has been an increase in the incidence of fractures involving the long bones globally as compared to the past (1, 2). There are a variety of associated injuries that occur along with the complex fractures in cases of trauma.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted after institutional research board clearance and after approval from the human ethics committee. All patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria admitted at A.J.I.M.S. will be considered for the study after obtaining informed written consent. Once the patient was fit for surgery patient were operated by senior staff. Preoperatively the urine was sent for detection of fat globulin and Postoperatively the urine was sent for detection of fat globulin evaluation within 3 hours of surgery. The collected data was analysed by SPSS 17.0 version software.
Observations and Results: Males were 88% p =0.008, left side 52% p =0.078. 33% were admitted within 4-5 Among all bones tibia was the commonest of the bone fracture involved 67 cases, combination of tibia and fibula was the commonest seen in 44.00%.The examination of urine for fat globulin post operatively was negative in all 100 of the cases. The examination of urine for fat globulin pre operatively was positive in 2% of the cases.
Conclusion: 1 The present study we found that urine fat globulins in fractures involving the long bone are present in two percent of cases. In both cases the patients had sustained multiple bone fractures. There was a delay in presentation to the hospital of more than 4 hours in both cases. Both patients had an elevated BMI fat in urine in fractures involving the long bone have no correlation to complications.

Pages: 186-196  |  479 Views  198 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Vishanth Rai, Dr. Suhruth Prasad TM and Dr. Rathin Shetty. Urine for fat globulin levels in long bone fractures. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2023;9(2):186-196. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2023.v9.i2c.3367