Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2023)
Study of outcome of calcaneum fractures treated with calcaneum plate or cc screw
Dr. Yogesh C Patel and Dr. Shailin Asitkumar Shah
Background and Aims: Conservative treatment for displaced intra-articular fracture calcaneum can lead to incongruence of the posterior facet and, incongruence of the calcaneocuboid joint. Therefore surgical treatment is advocated to restore anatomy of calcaneum and reduce complications like subtalar arthritis, malunion and pain while walking. Aim of study is to study functional outcome of fractures treated with calcaneum plate or CC screw.
Material and Methods: Total 20 cases were studied fom June 2021 to July 2022 in SSG hospital of calcaneum fractures treated surgically and monthly follow up were taken. Fracture classified on basis of Sanders classification and treated with plate or screw depending on type. Post-operative BK slab for 6 weeks and partial weight bearing till 3 months till sign of union visible.
Results: 75% showed excellent results 20% good and 5% poor results.
Discussion and Conclusion: Lateral approach to the calcaneum is more widely followed worldwide providing wide exposure of subtalar joint decompression of lateral wall, no risk of any injury to neurovascular structure and wide area for internal fixation. Early mobilization to prevent ankle stiffness. Meticulous surgical techniques, respect for soft tissues, antibiotics are essential to minimize the postoperative infection and skin problems.
Pages: 554-558 | 528 Views 274 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Yogesh C Patel and Dr. Shailin Asitkumar Shah. Study of outcome of calcaneum fractures treated with calcaneum plate or cc screw. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2023;9(1):554-558. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2023.v9.i1h.3341