Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2023)
A prospective observational study of functional outcome of fracture distal end of Tibia, treated with minimally invasive plating osteosynthesis (Mippo) technic
Dr. Rajani Kumar Giddi, Dr. D Santhosh Karunakar and Dr. Vamsi Krishna Pudi
Background: Distal tibia fractures including Tibia pilon fractures present a challenge as to their best method of management due to subcutaneous location of larger portion of tibia, paucity of soft tissue coverage and precarious blood supply to the distal leg. The involvement of the ankle joint and the vulnerability of the surrounding soft tissues further complicate these already complex injuries. Numerous classifications have been proposed for these fractures, however AO-OTA alphanumeric classifications the most comprehensive as well as the most commonly quoted classification. The lower end of the tibia including its medial and the lateral malleoli of the fibula form a socket (mortise) into which the body of the talus articulates, and along with capsule and ligament thus form the ankle joint. Any disruption of length, axis or rotation of the fibula or the tibia can result in an incongruent ankle joint. The lateral aspect of the distal tibia forms a triangular notch where the fibula articulates. The interosseous membrane and the anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments bind these bones together.
Aim: To evaluate the efficiency of internal fixation for the fractures of distal tibia by using minimally invasive plating osteosynthesis [Mippo] technique. To assess the functional outcome of Mippo technique with locking compression plate and dynamic compression plate.
Methods: A prospective observational study of patients above the age of 20 years with distal tibia fracture admitted in King George hospital, Visakhapatnam. Study duration 9 months.
Results: There were 72 patients in the study including 50 males (69.4%) and 22 females (30.6%) of mean age 46 years. The commonest cause of injury was RTA with High energy trauma with total of 31 patients (43.06%) followed by Low energy RTA with total of 28 patients (38.89%) and the rest 28 of the patients with Low energy fall (18.06%) respectively. All fractures united at an average of 15 weeks (range 12 to 20 weeks). As regards pain, 48 patients (66.66%) were pain-free, 18 patients (25%) had only occasional pain.
Conclusion: It is well accepted that the final outcome of distal tibial fractures including pilon fractures with this MIPPO technique, a single stage operative procedure. It is obvious that these are not directly influenced by this technique MIPPO, single-stage operative procedure, contributing to a favorable outcome.
Pages: 256-262 | 602 Views 302 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Rajani Kumar Giddi, Dr. D Santhosh Karunakar and Dr. Vamsi Krishna Pudi. A prospective observational study of functional outcome of fracture distal end of Tibia, treated with minimally invasive plating osteosynthesis (Mippo) technic. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2023;9(1):256-262. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2023.v9.i1d.3306