Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2022)
Prospective study of arthralgia in patients with COVID-19 infection in past
Dr. Kavya Kumar Iyer, Dr. Santosh Borkar, Dr. Ashok Ohatker, Dr. Abhilash Pawar and Dr. Kosha Gala
Introduction: Arthralgia is one of the symptoms seen in patients with COVID-19. The aim is to study the development of joint pains in patients post COVID-19 infection.
Methods: 34 RTPCR-positive patients for COVID-19 infection were included in the study from flu OPD and COVID ward. At 4 months follow-up, they were evaluated using a questionnaire. Results: Mean age was 31.65 years, in which 33% were males. Arthralgia was seen in 12 /34. Arthralgia was mild to moderate in 8 /12 participants. 2/ 12 patipatients with arthralgia for more than three weeks but less than 3 months. 2/12 patients developed arthralgia for more than three months. 3 out of 12 patients developed polyarthralgia.
Conclusion: COVID infection predisposes many patients to develop arthralgia of a severity ranging from mild to severe grade.
Pages: 101-104 | 1098 Views 250 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Kavya Kumar Iyer, Dr. Santosh Borkar, Dr. Ashok Ohatker, Dr. Abhilash Pawar and Dr. Kosha Gala. Prospective study of arthralgia in patients with COVID-19 infection in past. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2022;8(2):101-104. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2022.v8.i2b.3120