Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2021)

To evaluate the role of bacterial culture and prophylactic antibiotics in management of open fracture wound


Dr. Tarun Bali

Aim: To evaluate the role of bacterial culture and prophylactic antibiotics in management of open fracture wound.
Materials and Methods: This is prospective study of minimum 30 patients admitted to East point College of Medical Sciences and Research Centre. Thorough local examination of injured limb was done and fracture graded according to Gustilos grading of fracture. Post debridement grading and radiological evaluation of fracture was recorded. Wound management was decided as per the condition of the patient and wound contamination-acute (<1 week), subacute (1-6 weeks), chronic (>6 weeks).
Results: Majority of the patients were found in age group between 21-30 years and least was in the age group of below 10 years. It was observed that majority of patients in our study were male (86.66%). RTA was the main mode of injury with 27 cases (90%). Culture before starting prophylactic antibiotic was gram positive in 18 patients (60%) with S.aureus and gram negative in 12 patients (40%). Majority of the patients the antibiotics used prophylactically was inj crystalline penicillin+ inj.Gentamicin+inj. Metronidazole. Growth found in culture was pseudomonas in 6 cases (20%), E.coli in 3 cases (10%), Proteus in 2 cases (6.66%) and S.aureus in case (3.33%).
Conclusion: Early administration of antibiotics is important, with coverage targeted at the anticipated pathogenic organisms based on the grade of injury.

Pages: 465-467  |  696 Views  150 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Tarun Bali. To evaluate the role of bacterial culture and prophylactic antibiotics in management of open fracture wound. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2021;7(1):465-467. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2021.v7.i1h.2526