Vol. 6, Issue 2 (2020)
A study of extra articular metaphyseal proximal tibia fractures treated with proximal tibia plate using MIPPO technique
Dr. Gupta AD, Dr. Daveshwar RN and Dr. Solanki JJ
Tibia fractures, by its location and by being subcutaneous in most of its length tend to be open very commonly. Due to its precarious blood supply and scanty soft tissue coverage orthopaedic surgeons around the world have been fighting infections and union problems associated with its fractures. Our aim of this study focuses on the outcome of locking plates used in metaphyseal fractures of tibia in terms of union, complications and functional outcome of patients. An Observational prospective study of 30 patients with close or open grade I fractures of proximal tibia (Metaphyseal) without intra-articular extension, with recent (<4 weeks) history of trauma was carried out at Department of Orthopaedics, Medical college and SSG Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat from Jan 2018 to June 2018. During the follow up, all patients achieved full weight bearing at 20-24 weeks. Twenty four (83.33%) patients could squat or sit cross legged without difficulty. Five (16.66%) patients had slight difficulty doing the same. According to Rasmussen’s score, in our study we had 43.33% patients (13) with excellent, 40% patients (12) with good and 16.66% patients (5) with fair clinical results. We had 80% patients (24) with excellent and 20% patients (6) with good radiological results. Extra-articular proximal tibia fractures can be treated successfully through MIPPO technique with fewer and less serious complications, marginally faster union time and superior clinical outcome.
Pages: 27-30 | 2044 Views 455 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Gupta AD, Dr. Daveshwar RN and Dr. Solanki JJ. A study of extra articular metaphyseal proximal tibia fractures treated with proximal tibia plate using MIPPO technique. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2020;6(2):27-30. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2020.v6.i2a.2013