Vol. 6, Issue 1 (2020)
Anthropometric analysis of the hip joint in Southern Assam population using computed tomography
Dr. Vikash Agarwala, Dr. Abhishek Paul and Dr. Arup Kumar Daolagupu
Background: In bipeds, the hips have the great responsibility of transmitting the ground reaction against the body weight, while at the same time preserving mobility. Anthropometric study of hip joint has important clinical associations and the study is largely unknown for Southern Assam region of India. Since the anthropometric parameters for southern Assam population is lacking, the common implants which are designed for western are being used for the Indian patients. The goal of our study was to Compare the Anthropometry of the Hip Joint of southern Assam with other global studies using eight (8) parameters viz. Neck-shaft Angle (NSA), Head Diameter (HD), Neck Width (NW), Acetabular Angle (AA) of Sharp, Horizontal Offset (HO), Vertical Offset (VO), Medullary Canal Diameter at the level of lesser trochanter, and Acetabular version (AV) using CT scan.
Materials and Methods: It was a single hospital based observational study. Normal hip joints were analysed after ethical committee clearance. Proximal femur scanning was done with the help if computed tomography. Neck-shaft angle (NSA), neck width (NW), head diameter (HD), acetabular angle (AA) of sharp, horizontal offset (HO), vertical offset (VO), medullary canal diameter at the level of lesser trochanter (MDLT), and acetabular version (AV) were measured. SSPS software was used for data analysis. Parameters were tabulated and compared with various populations and statistically analysed.
Results: Two hundred individuals (400 hips) with a normal hip joint were included in this study to analyse. The mean values were NSA 132.6°, NW 28.59 mm, femoral HD (HD) 41.0 mm, AA of sharp 34.93°, HO 39.34 mm, VO 45.34 mm, MDLT 22.58 mm, and AV 20.60°. The values differed when compared with Western population and with other Indian studies done in South and Northeast Indian population. Significant differences were also observed in the parameters between sexes and between the sides of the hip joint.
Conclusion: The study revealed that there were significant differences exists in anthropometric parameters of hip joint among the southern Assam population when compared to that of Western literatures and also vary from region to region in other parts of India. Moreover, the data may be used as a reference data for the normal anatomical alignment during treatment. The data may provide help to perform further studies in different parts of India.
Pages: 1133-1139 | 1596 Views 324 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Vikash Agarwala, Dr. Abhishek Paul and Dr. Arup Kumar Daolagupu. Anthropometric analysis of the hip joint in Southern Assam population using computed tomography. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2020;6(1):1133-1139. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2020.v6.i1o.1971