Vol. 5, Issue 1 (2019)
Epidemiology of acetabular fractures and its outcome in Surgical Management
Dr. Dilip Kuncheria and Dr. Tony Kavalakkatt
Background: Acetabular fracture remains a challenge to the orthopedic surgeon. It is mainly because of the complexity of these fractures, difficult accessibility, associated other injuries and it requires a long learning curve. In this study epidemiology and surgical out come in acetabular fractures are evaluated. Methods: 41 patients treated for acetabular fractures over a period of two and half years were studied over a three and half year period between January 2006 and May 2009. Epidemiological details of these patients with acetabular fracture were collected from the medical records. Out of 41 patients, 31 underwent open reduction internal fixation of acetabular fracture. Quality of reduction was assessed based on immediate post-operative x- ray. A minimum post-operative period of one year was kept as cut off point in assessing radiological and clinical score. Results: There were 41 cases of acetabular fracture among 4261 trauma admissions during this period. Associated sciatic nerve injury was present in 5 patients. Road traffic accident was the cause of injury in 36 patients, and fall from height in 5 patients. In 18 patients, there was associated hip dislocation. 31 patients out of 41 underwent open reduction internal fixation (ORIF). Average day of operation was 5.64 days. Fracture reductions were anatomical in 23 patients, imperfect in 6 patients and poor in 2 patients. Radiological score were excellent in 18 patients, good in 8 patients, fair in 3 patients and poor in 2 patients. Clinical scores were excellent in 10, very good in 14, good in 5, fair in 2 Conclusion: Serious post-operative complications like iatrogenic sciatic nerve injury, joint penetration by implants, avascular necrosis of the femoral head were less, compared with other studies. Clinical evaluation scores, reduction obtained are in par with recent studies. The radiological scores are better in our studies. These are due to early fixation, anatomical reduction and less complications.
Pages: 311-317 | 1314 Views 227 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Dilip Kuncheria and Dr. Tony Kavalakkatt. Epidemiology of acetabular fractures and its outcome in Surgical Management. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2019;5(1):311-317. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2019.v5.i1f.56