Vol. 3, Issue 3 (2017)

Functional outcome of minimally invasive reconstruction of medial patello femoral ligament using Quadricep tendon graft in recurrent patellofemoral instability


Dr. Anas M and Dr. Ansari N

Recurrent patellofemoral instability is a chronic often painful condition most commonly affecting females of 10-17 years. Aim of the study was to evaluate the functional outcome of minimally invasive reconstruction of medial patello femoral ligament using Quadricep tendon graft in recurrent patellofemoral instability.16 cases of recurrent patellar instability treated in a tertiary care hospital from February 2015 to march 2016 were included. All cases undergone surgery by same team after history, physical examination and radiological imaging. After post operative rehabilitation schedule, all were followed up to 8 months and functional outcome was evaluated using Kujala Anterior Knee Pain Scale (AKPS). The mean Q angle was 22.25. Among 16 cases 12 showed congruence angle greater than -6. 13 out of 16 showed a positive basett’s sign. Apprehension and patellar glide test was positive in all cases. The mean Kujala knee score before surgery was 62.50 (range 56-66) out of which 25% of cases showed poor and 75% with fair scores. The mean Kujala score 8 months after surgery was 86. (range 78-97). 12.5% of cases showed excellent outcome 37.5% were having good and cases with fair outcome being 50%. Minimally invasive quadriceps tendon graft for medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for chronic patellofemoral instability showed significant improvement in Kujala knee score (P value<0.001). The simple, easily reproducible and novel technique of minimally invasive quadriceps tendon graft for medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction proves to be having good functional out come in recurrent patellar instability.

Pages: 588-592  |  1839 Views  219 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Anas M and Dr. Ansari N. Functional outcome of minimally invasive reconstruction of medial patello femoral ligament using Quadricep tendon graft in recurrent patellofemoral instability. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2017;3(3):588-592. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2017.v3.i3i.93