Vol. 3, Issue 3 (2017)
PFN: A definite advantage over the DHS: A comparative Meta-Analysis
Dr. Vivian Roshan D' Almeida
Dynamic Hip Screw fixation is currently considered as a standard treatment for pre-trochanteric fractures; However, due to the long-term hospitalization and other complications, researchers have proposed intramedullary nailing as the alternative surgical treatment. The aim of this study was to compare and examine the consequences of using the intramedullary nailing method versus Dynamic Hip Screw, in terms of functional outcome and duration of the surgery.
Methods: In this study 60 patients with Intertrochanteric fractures, that were surgically managed in Father Muller Medical College and Hospital, Kankanady, Mangalore had been selected for the year 2014-2016. After reduction, fixation surgery with PFN nail (30 patients) and Dynamic Hip Screw (30 patients) had been performed. All patients were screened during surgery and six months after surgery.
Results: In certain parameters like functional outcome, duration of surgery and bleeding there were significant differences between the two groups. In six months follow up period 2 patients from the pfn nail and 8 patients from the DHS group had non-union.
Conclusion: Recorded information of this study, during surgery and after the follow up period showed a comparative advantage of intramedullary nailing method vs. DHS in terms of small incision and lesser bleeding time, shorter duration of the surgery and significantly a better functional outcome. In addition, with intertrochanteric fractures the PFN has a definite advantage over the DHS in terms of less limb length shortening, earlier restoration of pre-injury walking ability and a better overall functional outcome. Based on these facts, the researchers recommend intramedullary nailing as the first option in treating patients with intertrochanteric fractures.
Pages: 104-108 | 2755 Views 541 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Vivian Roshan D' Almeida. PFN: A definite advantage over the DHS: A comparative Meta-Analysis. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2017;3(3):104-108. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2017.v3.i3b.18