Vol. 2, Issue 4 (2016)
Study on the complications of locking compression plate used for fracture lower end of femur
Dr. Pramod G and Dr. Vijayakumar AV
The tension band & axial compression principles are used frequently while using plate and screws for fracture fixation. Müller, Allgöwer, and others of the AO group in Switzerland designed a compression plate and equipment to apply compression to fractures. These plates have been modified several times since their introduction in 1963.In our study of 20 lower end of femur fractures, 4 were of Muller’s Type A2.; 5 were of Muller’s Type A3; 1 was of Muller’s Type C1 ; 5 were of Muller’s Type C2; and remaining 5 were Muller’s Type C3. Of all these fractures 4 were open and of these fractures 2 needed prior debridement and primary closure.
Pages: 146-149 | 1961 Views 143 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Pramod G and Dr. Vijayakumar AV. Study on the complications of locking compression plate used for fracture lower end of femur. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2016;2(4):146-149. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2016.v2.i4c.24