Vol. 2, Issue 2 (2016)

EMG analysis of selected calf muscles in relation to clubfoot patient: A case study


Humayun Mushtaq and Seema Chawla

EMG analysis of Gastrocnemius (GST) and Soleus (SOL) calf muscles was carried out on a unilateral clubfoot patient (right leg normal and left clubfoot) during 3conditions (resting, flexion and extension) using disposable gel electrodes. The subject had undergone surgical correction (Achilles Tenotomy) of the affected foot at an age of six months. The Raw and filtered [Root Mean Square (RMS) and Integrated EMG (IEMG)] signals acquired from the subject were quantified using (Acknowledge 3.9, BIOPAC MP-100 systems Inc.) for 120 seconds and the output was analysed using paired sample T-test. Significant differences were observed between the Root Mean Square (RMS) EMG and Integrated EMG (IEMG) muscle activity of normal and clubfoot leg during the three conditions for both GST and SOL muscles. Hence it is concluded from the study that the calf muscle activity of affected leg varies from the normal leg during resting, flexion and extension conditions which indicates that relapses can occur in CTEV patients even after surgical treatment.

Pages: 113-116  |  1959 Views  154 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Humayun Mushtaq and Seema Chawla. EMG analysis of selected calf muscles in relation to clubfoot patient: A case study. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2016;2(2):113-116.