Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2021)

Clinical and functional outcome of proximal fibular osteotomy for management of medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee


Dr. Nagesh Desai, Dr. Anshul Gupta, Dr. Ashish Parmar and Dr. Dipnesh rathwa

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee joint is a chronic, degenerative disease associated with pain, decreased range of motion, and deformity in the affected joint. Proximal fibular osteotomy (PFO) works on the principal that by removing proximal part of Fibula, medial and lateral compartment of the knee are evenly loaded on weight bearing and hence the medial joint pain and Arthritic changes resolve. This study was undertaken to study outcomes of Proximal fibular osteotomy (PFO) in the Population of South Gujarat attending our hospitals with medial compartment Osteoarthritis of The knee.
Materials and Methodology: This is a prospective study of patients who attended the orthopedic out pateint Department in our hospital between September 2018 to November 2019. .In our orthopedics department 42 patient operated for medial compartment Osteoarthritis of the knee with proximal fibular osteotomy. In the follow up Period 5 patient lost follow up in the covid 19 pandemic and 2 patient expired Due to covid 19. So that this patient excluded from the study.
Results: In our study, in terms of improvement, two significant differences were found in terms of pain relief, the mean VAS before surgery was 8.00 ± 0.79, which Improved to 2.25 ± 0.792; that was significant in terms of patient relief of pain. Similarly, in terms of comparison of function, the mean preoperative knee Clinical score was 42.75 postoperatively it improved to 83.25 and mean knee Functional score preoperative was 72.5 and postoperatively was 94.37. All These findings, i.e., VAS, and knee score and functional score, were all Suggestive of the beneficial effects of PFO in terms of pain relief and function. Mean HKA angel pre-operative was 173 and postoperatively 173.87 Suggested minimal alignment of mechanical axis.
Conclusions: Proximal fibular osteotomy is a simple, safe, less time consuming, and Effective procedure for pain relief and functional recovery. It requires little Rehabilitation and is associated with little or no complications. After a review of the results of our study it was revealed that this procedure is reasonably good both clinically and radiologically, and can be recommended for Medial compartment OA of the knee joint

Pages: 46-49  |  1088 Views  283 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Nagesh Desai, Dr. Anshul Gupta, Dr. Ashish Parmar and Dr. Dipnesh rathwa. Clinical and functional outcome of proximal fibular osteotomy for management of medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2021;7(3):46-49. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2021.v7.i3a.2727