Vol. 5, Issue 1 (2019)
Foreign body removal from volar aspect of wrist joint: A rare case report
Dr. Maulik R Jhaveri, Dr. Parth N Rathi, Dr. Jay V Turakhiya, Dr. Prasanna N Shah and Dr. Paresh P Golwala
Penetrating injuries to the hand are a common occurrence in the emergency room, and embedment of foreign bodies is suspected in many of these cases. We are presenting a case of 56 year old female with 9 days old injury on dorsal aspect of wrist with pointed shrapnel, penetrating through the dorsal aspect of lower one third of forearm located on volar aspect. Foreign body removed by small 3-4 cm incision on volar aspect of forearm locating object under IITV. Post operative patient had significant pain relief and free movement of wrist joint without pain.
Pages: 369-371 | 1164 Views 164 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Maulik R Jhaveri, Dr. Parth N Rathi, Dr. Jay V Turakhiya, Dr. Prasanna N Shah and Dr. Paresh P Golwala. Foreign body removal from volar aspect of wrist joint: A rare case report. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2019;5(1):369-371. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2019.v5.i1g.62