Vol. 3, Issue 3 (2017)
Study of outcome of conservative management in osteochondritis dissecans of trochlea
Dr. Dilip Kumar Naidu, Dr. Vijay Anand, and Dr. Sriram Thanigai
Introduction: Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of elbow has been known to be one of the causes of chronic pain in elbow region, targeted population being children and adolescents. Usual location was thought to be capitellum but rarely trochlea. Conservative and operative treatments have been studied and published. Aim of this study is to discuss outcome in conservatively managed 8 cases in our institution.
Materials and Methods: Prospective analysis has been done in our study over 8 children of age in range between 11-17 who presented to our outpatient department between the years 2009 to 2016 with complaints of chronic elbow pain and no history of trauma. Nelsons classification for staging OCD appreciable on MRI is used.
Results: There were 8 children with age varying from 11-17 years, 6 being boys and 2 girls. 5 cases had flexion contracture ranging from 5-10 degrees in the affected elbow. 2 cases (female) had hyperextension in the contra lateral un-affected elbow of 5 and 10 degrees respectively. After 3 months, 3 patients developed flexion contracture. 6 months later flexion contracture was seen in 2 patients. Motion pain of the joint disappeared and full range of movements were achieved at 6 months after first visit.
Conclusion: In conclusion OCD of trochlea though an infrequent occurrence, is important differential diagnosis in chronic elbow pain. Reviewing the elbows both clinically and radiologically would lead to early diagnosis and effectiveness of conservative management.
Pages: 30-33 | 2541 Views 307 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Dilip Kumar Naidu, Dr. Vijay Anand, and Dr. Sriram Thanigai. Study of outcome of conservative management in osteochondritis dissecans of trochlea. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2017;3(3):30-33. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2017.v3.i3a.07