Vol. 2, Issue 4 (2016)
A case report of resection arthroplasty for Giant cell tumor of distal femur with megaprosthesis
Dr. Eknath D Pawar, Dr. Hitesh Mangukiya, Dr. Neetin P Mahajan, Dr. Ayush Kumar Singh and Dr. Ujwal Ramteke
Giant cell tumors (GCT) are neoplasms of mesenchymal stromal cells with varied manifestations. Giant cell tumor is considered to be of benign nature but 3% of giant cell tumors are primarily malignant or will undergo malignant transformation and metastasize. The World Health Organisation has classified GCT as "an aggressive, potentially malignant lesion", which means that its evolution based on its histological features is unpredictable. Although there are studies available mentioning various treatment modalities, their advantages and disadvantages, definitive criteria were not laid down regarding treatment. We consider worthwhile reporting a case of distal femoral aggressive GCT treated by enbloc excision and reconstruction with custom mega prosthesis with good functional outcome.
Pages: 463-467 | 1874 Views 146 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Eknath D Pawar, Dr. Hitesh Mangukiya, Dr. Neetin P Mahajan, Dr. Ayush Kumar Singh and Dr. Ujwal Ramteke. A case report of resection arthroplasty for Giant cell tumor of distal femur with megaprosthesis. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2016;2(4):463-467. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2016.v2.i4g.71