Vol. 10, Issue 3 (2024)

Ha-Eri Chari procedure for recurrent antero-inferior dislocation of shoulder joint


Dr. Hardik Vaghela, Dr. Janak Rathod, Dr. Kartavya Chaudhari and Dr. Sachin Patel


Background: The functional outcome of Ha-Eri Chari procedure as operative management for recurrent antero- inferior dislocation of shoulder joint
Materials and Methods: This study is a prospective study. 15 patients aged 20 to 44, who underwent Ha-Eri chari procedure from 2023 to 2024 for recurrent anterior dislocation of the right (n=10) and left (n=4) shoulders were included in this study. The mean number of dislocations was 12. The patients were evaluated every 12 weeks during the first year and every 6 months thereafter. The mean follow-up period was 12 months. Outcome was evaluated using the Burkhead and Rockwood criteria. 
Results: Outcome was excellent in 12 patients, good in 3. None had poor outcome. The mean external rotation deficit at 0* and 90* of abduction improved. No patient had evidence of loosening, infection, re dislocation, migration of coracoid screw or glenohumeral arthritis. 
Conclusion: Ha-Eri Chari procedure is a feasible, simple and cost-effective management for recurrent antero- inferior shoulder dislocation. This procedure is relatively simple and can be performed by all orthopaedic surgeons without the need of specialised arthroscopic instruments.

Pages: 156-161  |  212 Views  69 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Hardik Vaghela, Dr. Janak Rathod, Dr. Kartavya Chaudhari and Dr. Sachin Patel. Ha-Eri Chari procedure for recurrent antero-inferior dislocation of shoulder joint. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2024;10(3):156-161. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2024.v10.i3c.3591