Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2023)
Analysis of factors influencing outcome following primary total knee arthroplasty
Dr. Rajeev Shukla, Dr. Narayan Masand, Dr. Nishant Singh Verma, Dr. Abhishek S Keshav and Dr. Srajan Jain
Introduction: Osteoarthritis is a chronic and painful disease which causes pain and loss of movement in the knee that lead to difficulty in performing daily activities. In this study, we analyze various factors like age, sex, BMI, waist/hip ratio, tourniquet time, KL grade of OA knee, use of preoperative tranexamic acid, affecting the outcome post total knee arthroplasty surgery in osteoarthritic patients. Outcome till 6 month was evaluated by mean knee range of motion, Knee society score, SF12 score.
Results: In our study, 12 patients (40%) had osteoarthritis knees according to K-L grade III, and 18 patients (60%) had osteoarthritis knees according to K-L grade IV. There were 18 (60.0%) females and 12 (40.0%) males in our study, showing a slight preponderance of females. Leftsided affection was slightly more than right.
In our study 16 patients (around 53%) were with BMI ranging from 29 to 32 with mean BMI of 31+_2.3 and Mean Waist Hip ratio was 80.7+-6.
Average duration of surgery was around 125.2+-16.26 minutes.
The postoperative Knee Society Score at the end of our follow up study at 6 Month is 79.30
Conclusion: We have provided an overview of factor-related progress to the scientific community, but also present time-specific effects to be able to better understand the importance of these factors for Total Knee replacements in the clinic. We conclude tourniquet time, total time of surgery, total blood loss had insignificant effect on functional outcome of patient over a follow up period of 6 months. Excellent results can be expected in patient of younger age and with low BMI & Waist: Hip Ratio, with no comorbidity. Preoperative functional outcome was significant following early KL grade 3 OA knee patients undergoing Total Knee Replacement compared to KL grade 4 knee initially, but over the period of 6 month follow up outcome was found comparable.
Pages: 39-44 | 742 Views 353 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Rajeev Shukla, Dr. Narayan Masand, Dr. Nishant Singh Verma, Dr. Abhishek S Keshav and Dr. Srajan Jain. Analysis of factors influencing outcome following primary total knee arthroplasty. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2023;9(2):39-44. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2023.v9.i2a.3352