Vol. 7, Issue 4 (2021)

Efficacy of dynamic compression plating (DCP) in treating adults with humerus shaft fractures


Dr. Arun KN, Dr. Manohar H and Dr. Sridhar Reddy

Introduction: Fractures of the humerus shaft accounts about 3 to 6% of all fractures of which majority can be managed by conservative management but some will require surgery. The objective and aim were to determine the efficacy of dynamic compression plate (DCP) in the treatment of humeral shaft fractures in adults.
Materials and Methods: This was a prospective study of 20 cases of fracture shaft of humerus admitted to Navodaya Medical Hospital and Research Centre, Raichur between December 2019 and October 2021. Cases were taken according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, with written informed consent. The study was approved by the Ethical committee of the institute.
Results: Out of 20 cases, there were 14 (70%) men and 6 (30%) women. 15 (75%) cases were admitted due to Road Traffic Accident and 5(25%) had fall at home. Of 20 cases, 2 cases (10%) were proximal third, 14 (73%) were middle third, and 4 (20%) were distal third. Short oblique fractures or Transverse were commonly found. The fractures united in 18 (90%) patients, with 2 (10%) cases showed delayed union due to deep infection. Good range of mobility of shoulder and elbow joints was present in 18 (90%) patients, with 2 (10%) patients having poor mobility.
Conclusion: Open reduction and Internal fixation of the humerus shaft fractures treated with dynamic compression plate provides higher union rates as compared to other modes of treatment available.

Pages: 778-781  |  962 Views  405 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Arun KN, Dr. Manohar H and Dr. Sridhar Reddy. Efficacy of dynamic compression plating (DCP) in treating adults with humerus shaft fractures. Int. J. Orthop. Sci. 2021;7(4):778-781. DOI: 10.22271/ortho.2021.v7.i4k.2969